Monday, June 28, 2010

Evaluating Materials for ESL Readers

Selecting appropriate reading materials for ESL students is extremely important in order to optimize learning for these students. Materials should be appropriate to the literacy level, interest, and maturity of each student. Selected materials need to be language-rich, motivating, and relevant. Since building on personal experiences and background knowledge is essential in second language acquisition, reading materials should have components where students can relate their background experiences in their native language to the experiences in the book. Illustrations are also important in order to create interest and to assist the ELL with comprehension.

Promoting literacy in second language learners should include the essential components of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Phonics should be taught with the understanding that the goal is comprehension of the reading material. Once again, discussion building on background knowledge and experiences, and literature which has many illustrations will assist students tremendously. Finding materials that interest the student will assist with motivation and increase literacy. Implicit and explicit vocabulary instruction should also be an integral part of any reading program.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post 1 - Experiences Teaching ESL

Two years ago I decided to retire as an elemetary school principal. I had held that position for ten years, and I just didn't feel that I could continue 10-12-14-16 hours a day. I also had no desire to become a paper pusher in C. O. I wanted to continue working, so I discussed some options with our Director of Schools. I then accepted a contract as a Title I teacher with some administrative duties. During the first year, I had a student in one of my Title I groups who was Hispanic. He spoke almost no English, and he had me wrapped around his little finger. I loved working with him, and when our system needed a part-time ESL teacher, I agreed to receive my add-on endorsement and become our system's ESL teacher.

This year was my first year teaching ESL students, and it has been fun, rewarding, and challenging. I didn't have a clue what I was doing when I started, but we all survived as I mainly relied on common sense, experience working with students in general, and my heart being in the right place. As I have taken courses, I have discovered that some of the methods I used this past year are even research-based and credible. (I can't wait to begin next year with the information and knowledge I have gained from the courses I have taken since January.)

I only had four students for most of last year, and I may have a few more next year. I saw two students on a one -to- one basis and two students together. I also had one T1 student and I assessed several more who did not qualify for services. I loved my years teaching Head Start, second grade, and fifth grade as well as being a principal, but teaching ESL students has been especially wonderful and magical. After all these years, I think I have found my niche!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This is my first attempt at blogging, and I am looking forward to learning more about it this summer. I am currently an ESL teacher and 504 Coordinator for Clinton City Schools in Clinton, TN. I currently work part-time after retiring as a full time teacher and principal. I am also taking classes to receive my ESL add-on endorsement from MTSU. Working part- time has allowed me to have more time to spend with my family and friends, and I have also really enjoyed teaching students on a regular basis again. I do think all administrators who have been out of the classroom for five years should go back into the classroom for at least a month!