Monday, June 14, 2010

Post 1 - Experiences Teaching ESL

Two years ago I decided to retire as an elemetary school principal. I had held that position for ten years, and I just didn't feel that I could continue 10-12-14-16 hours a day. I also had no desire to become a paper pusher in C. O. I wanted to continue working, so I discussed some options with our Director of Schools. I then accepted a contract as a Title I teacher with some administrative duties. During the first year, I had a student in one of my Title I groups who was Hispanic. He spoke almost no English, and he had me wrapped around his little finger. I loved working with him, and when our system needed a part-time ESL teacher, I agreed to receive my add-on endorsement and become our system's ESL teacher.

This year was my first year teaching ESL students, and it has been fun, rewarding, and challenging. I didn't have a clue what I was doing when I started, but we all survived as I mainly relied on common sense, experience working with students in general, and my heart being in the right place. As I have taken courses, I have discovered that some of the methods I used this past year are even research-based and credible. (I can't wait to begin next year with the information and knowledge I have gained from the courses I have taken since January.)

I only had four students for most of last year, and I may have a few more next year. I saw two students on a one -to- one basis and two students together. I also had one T1 student and I assessed several more who did not qualify for services. I loved my years teaching Head Start, second grade, and fifth grade as well as being a principal, but teaching ESL students has been especially wonderful and magical. After all these years, I think I have found my niche!


  1. Hi, Kathleen

    I enjoyed reading about your experiences. I also love your blog set up!

  2. I had no idea you were a principal!

    Now I understand why you always seem so knowledgeable. =P
