Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reflections on YOED

It is hard to believe that it is time to reflect on this semester. This was a great class that I wish I had taken last summer so that I would have been better prepared for teaching ESL students last fall. I will begin this year with the Newcomer Brochure and the Wiki site which will help students and their families. This year I will use activities such as the anticipatory guide, writing prompts, cloze procedures, and choral reading activities. I will also know how to develop new and meaningful activities for my students. I will use information learned from The CALLA Handbook, SDAIE and SIOP materials to plan more effective lessons for my students. I will utilize the many resources and ideas shared by Dr. Craig and fellow students in this class. I have more knowledge on locating information on the internet and will refer to these resources as I plan lessons. The language develoment instruments will be used to assess student progress this coming year.

I have had very limited experience teaching ESL students, so my suggestions are also limited. These are some random suggestions:

  • Refer back to the textbooks and information learned in this class frequently.

  • Connect with other ESL teachers- in person or on-line.

  • Be an advocate for your students. There may be times where you or your room is their safe haven.

  • Use visuals as much as possible.

  • Keep a computer close by to Google words.

  • Use technology.

  • Use games.

  • Read, read, read!

  • Laugh and smile!

  • If possible, take students with you on errands - to the office, library, clinic,etc.

  • Be patient - you will see results.

  • Enjoy and embrace the many magical moments you will experience working with ELL's!


Chamot, A. The calla handbook: Implementing the cognitive academic

language learning approach (2009).White Plains, NY: Pearson.

Boyle, O. & Peregoy, S. Reading, writing, and learning in Esl. Fifth Edition. (2008).
New York:Pearson.

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